Friday, January 30, 2015


Currently we have resolved our issue of not being able to download the part files from the VEX program in order to create an assembly on Solid Works. My group and I have now been building our vex-bot on Solid Works for the past two days now. We are most definitely  behind schedule, we plan to finish as soon as possible in order to begin the actual construction of of the vex-bot next week.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Starting last week Friday (1-23-15) I began the assembly of our groups robot on Solid Works. This week we are looking forward to finishing this assembly with the parts downloaded. Hopefully we will finish the Solid Works assembly sometime this week in order to begin building the actual model in class in order to have the advantage of getting the better and newer parts.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Today, Tuesday my group and I will begin to construct our VEX robots virtually through Solid Works. In class we began to discuss with Mr.Martin about the process of building a robot and how it not only involves tangibly building but also creating a blue print through Solid Works. I predict that this week we will begin working on Solid Works building our robot and finsih by Friday.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Ketchup week

At the end of this week we took a day with Mr.Martin to educate oursleves about the difference of torque and speed, how to implement either gears, and what tires work best for certain situations. We have also learned the different batteries, how to maintain them and proper management incase of an emergnecy. We are now trying to figure out a solid blue print for building our robot and catching up.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

This week we are planing on working with VEX . We hope we are able to learn all we can so when we are able to build our robot we will be ready. This seems to be a very important week and we need to pay attention.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Today we have learned what kind of parts we can use and need to know. I have learned how to control blogger and use it to my advantage. Now that I know what parts we are using I can now look up how to put them together and how they work together.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Starting Robotics

Today we began to refine our blog to increase it's utility and aesthetic appeal. Hopefully we'll start learning about robots soon.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Today we learned how to create a blogger account and we're starting to set it up. We had to share it with all of the members of our group. Hopefully we'll start learning the basics of robots soon.